The 5 minute interview: Bryony Lavery

Bryony Lavery, acclaimed UK playwright tells Nightwood her thoughts on playwriting, misperceptions and what every good story needs:

Is it true, as an actor, you’ve played Tinkerbell in Peter Pan as well as the left arm of a sofa? Yes, alas, it is true. My life has been one long distinguished, serious endeavour…my very first appearance was as part of the blue stripes in a living union jack.

What is one thing every playwright needs to know?  Don’t play Tinkerbell, the left arm of a sofa…or the world will NEVER take you seriously.

Stockholm is a highly physical play, can you give us a little insight into the process of writing a script like this? What is necessary to have on the page to get the actors/director and ultimately the STORY where it needs to go? The answer to the first question…the process is described very well in Frantic Assembly’s book…but, basically, I sat quietly and WATCHED two actors and two dancers making rehearsal pieces around the subject, then I went away and wrote the story.
the second part…I just try to make the blueprint of something that needs to encourage a three-dimensional work to grow in the rehearsal room.

What does every great story have to have?  Nail biting Jeopardy

What is your favourite word?  steatopygia

If I could grant you a single wish, what would it be?  I’d like to still make mistakes…but I’d like them to be slightly less stupid mistakes than the ones I make…

Complete the sentence:

If I wasn’t typing this email interview right now, I would be… going downstairs to check up on this chicken supper I am improvising.

The most surprising thing that happened to me was… making a living as a writer.

A common misperception of me is… I know what I’m talking about.

You know me as a writer but in truer life I’d have been…an immacualte, but tragic, lounge singer.

In a nutshell my philosophy is…just try it, you coward….

*I don’t know about you, but I’m taking her advice about playing Tinkerbell… regardless, if you’ve ever wanted to take a playwriting class with a world class writer, DON’T MISS The Craft of Playwriting with Bryony Lavery  (May 16-17). Click here for more details and to register!

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